On The Trail of Ed Wood (1990) - The Hunt for Edward D. Wood, Jr.
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On The Trail of Ed Wood

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Directed by Michael Copner
Written by Unknown
Wood regulars
Conrad Brooks

Additional cast
On the Trail of Ed Wood is basically Conrad Brooks answering questions about Ed and visiting a few spots that were pivitol to Ed's carreer.
Very low. The film is shot simply, on videotape and lacks any kind of style or flair. Conrad occasionally has interesting stories to tell, but mostly it's stuff that's been told better elsewhere. The best segment involves Conrad visiting the apartment building on Yucca Street, the last home Ed had of his own.

Conrad's memory does not seem to be the best, and without any additional sources, this 'film' is an oddity at best. A much better choice is Hellborn if you like this sort of thing, as it has much more depth and more interesting archival footage. On The Trail is for completists only.
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A low budget film, I believe it has only been available at conventions and the like.

No Image AvailableThis is the label for the only legitimate version of On The Trail of Ed Wood released.

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