The Hunt for Edward D. Wood, Jr. - Links
to Ed Stuff
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Newsgroup about Ed.
Yahoo!Group for The Hunt.
You can find additional materials here.
A direct link to Ed's listing. Links to details for (almost) all of his films.
Primarily sells reprints of Harry Stephen Keeler books, but also published Muddled Mind: The Works of Edward D. Wood, Jr, by David C. Hayes, an excellent guide to Ed's work with a focus on his novels.
Sinister Cinema is a source for some of Ed's more obscure films.
Exclusive current source for several of Ed's 60's and 70's films. (Mostly ones made with Stephen Apostolof.)
They are currently $15 each (plus shipping).
All images © their respective owners.
Images are used for review purposes only.
All other content, including (but not limited to): text, html & original graphics are © Philip R. Frey