The Hunt for Edward D. Wood, Jr. - Links
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Newsgroup about Ed.

Hunt_for_Ed_Wood - The Yahoo!Group

Yahoo!Group for The Hunt.
You can find additional materials here.

The Internet Movie Database - Edward D. Wood, Jr.

A direct link to Ed's listing. Links to details for (almost) all of his films.

Ramble House

Primarily sells reprints of Harry Stephen Keeler books, but also published Muddled Mind: The Works of Edward D. Wood, Jr, by David C. Hayes, an excellent guide to Ed's work with a focus on his novels.

Sinister Cinema

Sinister Cinema is a source for some of Ed's more obscure films.

Something Weird Video

Exclusive current source for several of Ed's 60's and 70's films. (Mostly ones made with Stephen Apostolof.)

They are currently $15 each (plus shipping).

main filmography film categories books & publications miscellaneous items links contribute contact

All images © their respective owners.
Images are used for review purposes only.

All other content, including (but not limited to): text, html & original graphics are © Philip R. Frey