Double Noose (1952) - The Hunt for Edward D. Wood, Jr.
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The Young Marrieds
Double Noose

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Directed by Derwin Abbe
Written by Edward D. Wood, Jr. and John Michael Hayes
Wood regulars
Tom Keene

Additional cast
Jonathan Hale
Frank Yaconelli
Mary Ellen Kay

Double Noose was a television production that Ed co-wrote for Sidney R. Ross TV Productions in 1952. According to a surviving script, it starred Tom Keene as "Marshal Tom Keene", sent to investigate some sort of outlaw gang. If you have any additional details (or want to send me a copy), please e-mail me at
I do not have a copy of this movie. If you have any insight (or want to send me a copy), please e-mail me at
Best Line
File Under
Western, Television



Also known as "The Double Noose", this one has never had a video release. It may not even still exist.

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