The Cocktail Hostesses (1973) - The Hunt for Edward D. Wood, Jr.
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The Cocktail Hostesses
a.k.a. Nuits infernales

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Directed by Stephen Apostolof (as A.C. Stephen)
Written by Edward D. Wood, Jr. & Stephen Apostolof (as A.C. Stephen)
Wood regulars
Rene Bond
Rick Cassidy
Starline Comb
Kathy Hilton
Terri Johnson
Candy Samples
Forman Shane

Additional cast
Douglas Frey
Susan Gale
Jimmy Longdale
Duane Paulsen

A put-upon secretary (Bond) grows tired of sleeping with her boss and not making enough money. Her friend convinces her to take a job as a cocktail hostess, where the tips can be substantial and the opportunities for "overtime" plentiful.
There is practically no plot here, but what little there is has a good Woodian ring to it.
Best Line
To be determined.
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I can find no record of a mass market release of this title.

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i.e.: "Infernal Nights"

This is the French title for Cocktail Hostesses. I have found no mass market release under this title.

No Image AvailableNIA

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