Autonetics Aviation industrial films (1960s) - The Hunt for Edward D. Wood, Jr.
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Autonetics Aviation industrial films

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Directed by Edward D. Wood, Jr.
Written by Edward D. Wood, Jr.
Wood regulars
Dudley Manlove

Additional cast

These were apparently classified industrial films that Ed made in the early 60's. They cover many standard industrial themes. Nicholas Grey in Nightmare of Ecstasy identifies the following titles: Aviation Fuel Measurement Systems, Chronometer, Minute Man Missile Program, Radar, Sextant, and Space Capsule in Flight.

Ed also apparently directed the in-house closed circuit television programs Autonetics used.

If you have any additional details (or want to send me a copy), please e-mail me at
I do not have a copy of these movies. If you have any insight (or want to send me a copy), please e-mail me at
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None of these films have been made available to the general public. Although it's unlikely they are still classified, they have not yet seen the light of day.

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